Easy To Make – The Bonsai Wire Bending Grip Jr.

I thought I’d share an easy to make version of the Bonsai Wire Bending Grip. While not as versatile or durable as the original Bonsai Wire Bending Grip, the junior version will make equally well formed looped drainage screen retainers of different sizes and wire gauges. A piece of 1/2 ” thick by 3- 3/4″ square plywood, a 3/8″ diameter wood dowel or bolt and some epoxy is all that is needed. Dimensions are not critical and can be sized for the comfort of your hand and the diameter of the loops you prefer to use.

The concept of the design is the same. A calibrated scale referenced to the edge of the post that allows you to make accurately sized drainage screen retainers, fast. Use the scale (as shown below) to determine the diameter of your pot drainage opening(s) and the length of the wire legs and the spacing set between the wire legs. Refer to the instructional YouTube video on page 3 of this website for the basic procedure.

If you have any questions or would like to request a free template, feel free to email us at graciebonsai4@gmail.com.